Monday, June 4, 2007

cab drivers

the other day, i hopped in a cab and asked the driver to take me to the terminal. he turned around and looked at me, as if he didnt understand, and asked again. i explained again where i was going, and he said fine.

what i didnt know was that while he asked the question the second time, he was having one of those moral moments--times where your character is being tested. like when you see somebody drop a $20 dollar bill on the floor and you know you can take it without anyone every knowing. theres usually a moment when you toy with the two options, and deep down you know that your answer to the question reveals what type of person you are at that given moment.

he took the money.

drove me around town, even making light conversation before dropping me off at the terminal. 10,000 pesos (about $4US).

the following week, while walking around my neighborhood, i found out that the terminal was a whopping 3 blocks from my apartment. the definition of walking distance. i had no idea. sneaky bastard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.